3D Micro Printing

Receive Your Micro Parts in
2 Days to 1 Week

At the Isometric Micro Molding Innovation Lab with micron level 3D printing, we can provide customers with early-stage micro part samples, including biocompatible resins. This step is vital to a project’s success, as it allows a quick, low-cost view of a design.

In fact, multiple designs can be printed at the same time for side-by-side comparison and/or mating parts for assembly. 3D printed parts can be printed in a variety of photopolymers including biocompatible, high strength, translucent, and other performance characteristics that mimic thermoplastic resin properties. We can also produce 3D printed mold inserts, in complex geometries, so parts can be molded in the intended resin, including high temperature resins.

It’s as simple as this: designers see things very differently on a computer screen versus an actual part on the tip of their finger. The ability to understand the scale and intended function of the part is vital to the initial development and ultimate success of a micro project.

  • Parts in hand 2 days-1 week
  • Quickly print and review multiple part designs and iterations to evaluate critical project success
  • Instant DfM, DfX, and DfA support
  • Test multiple features including microfluidic channels, and small to micro through holes
  • Successfully printed parts starting at 0.001” (25 microns) total thickness, with micro features
  • Biocompatible, high strength, translucent, and many other performance characteristics available to mimic thermoplastic resin properties
  • 3D printed mold inserts allow parts to be molded in the intended resin

Micro Project Success From the Start

We offer expertise at every stage of the design to manufacturing process. So, whether your application requires multiple materials for the most intricate over-molded component, a tiny medical implant, or a microfluidic chip with a minuscule micron tolerance, we have the materials and complex feature knowledge, experience, and understanding to achieve success.

Contact Us

Reach out to discuss your project with one of our Micro Molding Experts.

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